Model Pembelajaran: Team Tournament Review Horay

Setiap model pembelajaran memiliki sintaks tersendiri dalam penerapannya, apa jadinya jika kita menggabungkan sintaks dua atau lebih model pembelajaran? maka yang akan terjadi adalah… (jeng-jeng-jeng) ya’… suatu model pembelajaran baru. Demikian pula yang akan saya bagi dalam tulisan ini yaitu model pembelajaran Team Tournament Review Horay (T2RH) yaitu model pembelajaran hasil penggabungan antara TGT (Team Game Tournament) dan CHR (Course Review Horay). Model ini saya susun demi menunaikan tugas PPL di kelas adek-adek S1 matakuliah TBE (Teaching Biology in English) Biologi Unviersitas Negeri Malang.

Inovasi dalam model pembelajaran mutlak diperlukan untuk memberikan ‘unforgetable learning experience’ kepada siswa, sehingga kegiatan belajar di sekolah maupun di kampus menjadi sesuatu yang selalu ditunggu-tunggu oleh peserta didik. Dengan model pembelajaran yang asyik menarik dan efektif, guru/dosen juga akan menjadi sosok yang selalu dinantikan oleh siswa.

Berikut RPP yang menunjukkan sintaks T2RH di atas:

Lesson Plan
Teaching Biology in English
Material                      : Unit 3.18 : Tenses
Time allocated          : 2 x 50 minutes
Teacher Model          : Mochammad Iqbal
Class/Offering           :  A/A
Department                : Education of Biology University of Malang
I.    Standard of competence  : Handling the class
II.   Basic competence             : Managing the class
III.  Indicator                        
    1. Pupils discussing how to use right tenses when they practice to teach biology in English
    2. Pupils can determining the different between each tenses
    3. Pupils can mention the expresses time on each tenses
Pupils perform the task that chosen by them
  2. Character:
  3. Careful
  4. Responsibility
  5. Sensitivity to environment
    1. Social ability
      1. Asking
      2. Communicate
      3. Discuss
      4. Participate
      5. Tolerance
IV. Lesson purpose: 
    1. Make pupils to discuss how to use right tenses when they practice to teach biology in English
    2. Make pupils can determining the different between each tenses
    3. Make pupils can mention the expresses time on each tenses
Make pupils can perform the task that chosen by them
1.  Character:
Make pupils have an ability to join the lesson and show characters careful, responsible to their job, and sensitivity to their environment
2.  Social ability:
Make pupils can join the lesson well, and they can show their social ability such as Asking, Communicate, Discuss, Participate, and Tolerance.
  1. V.    Teaching material
  • Tenses
VI.  Learning model:
Team Tournament Review Horay
(The combination learning method between Team Game Tournament (TGT) and Course Review Horay (CRH) J.
  1. Telling the competences
  2. Material presentation
  3. Grouping
  4. Game tournament that using question cards (question number)
  5.  Pupil choose the number that represent the question (randomly)
  6. Teacher read the question
  7. Pupils answer, if the answer true, teacher give them score and the group yell “HORAY…” J
  8. Reward for the winner
  9. Reflection n evaluation
VII. Learning process
  1. A.    Preliminary

  • Opening the class by greeting and check the presence of the pupils
  • Asking who abcent today and why?
  • Motivating the pupils by tell a kind of story about ‘Unforgettable Learning Experiences’
  • Playing video about how to make an Unforgettable Learning Experiences
  • Communicate the purpose and the product that they must reach from this lesson

  1. B.     Main Activity

Section 1
  • Teacher giving material presentation: Tenses
Section 2
  • Teacher split the pupils to 2 different group, an odd group and even group
  • Teacher mention the name of the game: ‘O versus X’
  • Teacher explain to the pupils about the rule of the game
  • Making small preparation, and game start
  • Teacher ask one of pupil to pick a question/task number on the box
  • Teacher read the question or task and must be answered by the pupils who choose the question before
  • When the pupil answer was right then all of his/her group member yell “HORAY”, and the teacher give their mark on score board
  • The pupil from different group pick the next question
  • And so on
Section 3
  • Teacher give the pupils a small test about tenses
  • Collect the test paper

  1. C.    Closing


  • Giving applause and reward to the group that win the game
  • Closing the lesson by playing video about motivation to be never give up and always giving the best .

