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The endophytic bacteria isolation as biological control agent of Pratylenchus coffeae
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Abstrak (Bahasa Indonesia).
Pratylenchus coffeae merupakan nematoda yang paling umum dan dapat membahayakan tanaman kopi. Bakteri endofit merupakan kandidat yang ideal untuk pengendalian nematoda karena hidup di dalam tanaman tanpa merusak tanaman inangnya. Isolasi bakteri endofit dari tiga lokasi yaitu perkebunan kopi arabika yang diinfeksi P. coffeae, perkebunan kopi arabika yang diinfeksi Radopholus similis dan kopi Robusta yang diinfeksi P. coffeae dilakukan dengan teknik sterilisasi permukaan. Potensi isolat bakteri ditentukan oleh jumlah nematoda yang menembus akar bibit arabika umur 3 bulan. Identifikasi molekuler dan uji aktivitas proteolitik dilakukan terhadap isolat yang memiliki kemampuan menekan penetrasi nematoda. Dua puluh isolat bakteri endofit murni diperoleh dari proses isolasi. Semua isolat bakteri endofit secara signifikan mengurangi jumlah nematoda yang menembus akar. Isolat dari kopi arabika mampu menekan penetrasi nematoda hingga 91,56% sedangkan isolat dari kopi robusta hanya menekan penetrasi nematoda sebesar 54,5%. Dari identifikasi molekular ketiga isolat yang menekan penetrasi nematoda tertinggi menunjukkan bahwa isolat tersebut adalah Bacillus subtilis strain NCIB 3610 dan Antrachis bacillus strain ATCC 14578. Ketiga isolat tersebut menunjukkan aktivitas proteolitik. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa bakteri endofit berpotensi dalam mengendalikan P. coffeae khususnya 3 isolat akar kopi arabika.
Abstrack (English)
Pratylenchus coffeae is the most common nematode and it can endanger the coffee plant. Endophytic bacteria is the ideal candidate for nematode control because of live inside plant without harming the host plant. Isolation of endophytic bacteria from three locations, namely Arabica coffee plantation infected by P. coffeae, arabica coffee plantation infected by Radopholus similis and Robusta coffee infected by P. coffeae was done with technical surface sterilization. The potential of bacterial isolates was determined by the number of nematodes that penetratedto the roots of aged-3-months seedlings arabica. Molecular identification and proteolytic activity testing was done to an isolate that has the ability to suppress the penetration of nematodes. Twenty pure endophytic bacteria isolates were obtained by the isolation process. All endophytic bacteria isolates significantly reduced the nematodes that penetrated the roots. Isolates from Arabica coffee could suppress nematode penetration up to 91.56 % while isolate from robusta coffee only pressed nematode penetration of 54.5%. From molecular identification of three isolates that suppress the penetration of the highest nematode showed that the isolate is Bacillus subtilis strain NCIB 3610 and Antrachis bacillus strain ATCC 14578. The three isolates showed proteolytic activity. It is can be concluded that endophytic bacteria are potential in controlling P. coffeae especially 3 isolates from Arabica coffee root.
Asyiah, I. N., Soekarto, S., Hoesain, M., Iqbal, M., Hindersah, R., Narulita, E., Mudakir, I. (2018). The endophytic bacteria isolation as biological control agent of Pratylenchus coffeae. Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences
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